My Projects

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Developed a fully responsive MERN stack portfolio website for PhotonBrains. Built an admin panel to manage images, videos, blogs and other website content. Enabled language support for English and German. Used lazy loading to cut initial load time by 40%, boosting user engagement.
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react js


An AI assistant serving 1,000+ users, integrating ChatGPT, Claude Opus, Llama 3, and DALL-E with seamless modality switching. I developed the responsive React frontend and managed API integration. Features include drag-and-drop chat management, predefined prompts for social media, SEO, emails, personas, and more. Users can also save and manage their own prompts.
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react js


A real estate site for Dubai properties. Users can explore, add, and view listings. I built the responsive frontend with React, using best practices like lazy loading, suspense, custom hooks, and code splitting.
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react js


AllerGuard is a web-based platform designed to enhance the safety and well-being of individuals with allergies. It offers robust features for managing allergy information, emergency contacts, and user profiles. I developed both the AllerGuard website and its admin panel. The admin manages FAQs, user and enrollee data, notifications, and support requests, ensuring compliance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).
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High End Care

An insurance platform for watches, jewelry, and bags where users upload item details. User risk is calculated during get started process. Low-risk users follow a standard flow; high-risk requests require admin verification. Developed website and admin panel using MERN stack with Stripe integration. Implemented JWT tokens, password hashing, code splitting, reusable components, and robust error handling.
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next js

Genius - AI Platform

A NextJS platform with Prisma database that uses OpenAI & replicate AI API to offer 5 AI services, Conversation, Image, Code, Video, and Audio generation. User trials and subscription payments via Stripe.
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Be Well

A comprehensive mental health platform featuring modules for user profiling, mental health assessments, appointment booking, payments using stripe, recommendations system, resources, community forums, AI chatbot, and admin management. Empowering users to access support, assessment tools, appointments, mental health resources, and community forum in one integrated platform.
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next js

Threads Clone

The Threads Clone project is a user-friendly online platform built with the T3 technology stack. Users can create an account or log in using their Google or GitHub accounts, making it quick and convenient to get started. It allows people to start discussions, and others can easily join in by replying. Users can see when someone replies to their discussion in the activity section. Additionally, They can also search for other people, join or create communities, and post within those communities separately. This makes it easy for people to have conversations and connect with others on various topics